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"He who plants a tree loves others more than himself."

- Dr. T. Fuller

TAP Inc. has established a fund to benefit urban horticulture and sustainable streetscape infrastructure in Troy, NY.  Chico (G. Stephen) Christopher spent his entire life befriending and advocating for those less fortunate than himself. He applied his talents as an architect improving the living conditions in neighborhoods that suffered disinvestment and neglect.


Beyond his generosity toward his fellow man, his commitment to protect the natural environment was his greatest passion.  He loved horticulture and gardening and he worked tirelessly to promote the planting and protection of street trees in Troy.


Your tax-deductible donation to TAP Inc. will sustain Chico’s Gift for years to come.  Chico protected the urban tree canopy not only for its beauty but also for its role in helping to make our city a healthier place, for humans and thousands of other species without a voice. Send contributions to TAP Inc., 210 River Street, Troy NY 12180


The fund is managed by TAP Inc. where Chico worked as an architect and advocate for 46 years. A group of knowledgeable horticulturists, and dear friends of Chico's, will determine each year how funds are to be allocated toward a greener Troy.


Chico passed away too young and will be sorely missed. Please help his legacy of care and concern for the urban environment live on. 

Supporting Green Infrastructure in Troy



He who plants a tree
Plants a hope.
Rootlets up through fibres blindly grope;
Leaves unfold into horizons free.
So man's life must climb
From the clods of time
Unto heavens sublime.
Canst thou prophesy, thou little tree,
What the glory of thy boughs shall be?

He who plants a tree
Plants a joy;
Plants a comfort that will never cloy;
Every day a fresh reality,
Beautiful and strong,
To whose shelter throng
Creatures blithe with song.
If thou couldst but know, thou happy tree,
Of the bliss that shall inhabit thee!

He who plants a tree,--
He plants peace.
Under its green curtains jargons cease.
Leaf and zephyr murmur soothingly;
Shadows soft with sleep
Down tired eyelids creep,
Balm of slumber deep.
Never hast thou dreamed, thou blessed tree,
Of the benediction thou shalt be.

He who plants a tree,--
He plants youth;
Vigor won for centuries in sooth;
Life of time, that hints eternity!
Boughs their strength uprear;
New shoots, every year,
On old growths appear;
Thou shalt teach the ages, sturdy tree,
Youth of soul is immortality.

He who plants a tree,--
He plants love,
Tents of coolness spreading out above
Wayfarers he may not live to see.
Gifts that grow are best;
Hands that bless are blest;
Plant! life does the rest!
Heaven and earth help him who plants a tree,
And his work its own reward shall be.


- Lucy Larcom, 1824-1893

"Plant a Tree"

Are you planting or building Green Infrastructure for Troy? 

Chico's GIFT can help!  Contact us for more information or submit an application here.

Thank you for your Application! Someone will contact you soon.

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