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The TAP Community page offers news and press about our organization, as well as career opportunities and events sponsored by TAP. Check back with us for updates!

Shawn Snow, TAP sponsored NYSCA artist,  speaks at Opalka Gallery opening March 7


🌑Welcome to the Abyss🌑 multimedia installation, Into the Void, will be on display in the Little Gallery at Russell Sage College @russellsagecollege in Albany, NY from March 4 - March 28, 2025. I will be giving an artist talk Tuesday March 4, 7 - 8 pm at the Opalka Auditorium, and there will be an opening reception Friday March 7th, 5:30 - 7:30pm at the Little Gallery. Shawn McCann @bullfrogsymphony will be bringing his own brand of strange sonic ambiance to the opening. Today, Shawn and I as our project Lung @lungfantastic, also release our new album, Ritual (the corresponding album for the installation) available on all streaming platforms. Also, Shawn recently released his own album, The Hermit, so please check that out as well! (The video was created with Adobe Firefly using my Oracle card design with the help of Motion Machina Studios @motion_machina.) This project has been funded by the New York State Council on the Arts @nyscouncilonthearts. There are links to everything in my, so please check it all out!


Event supported by an expert Advanced Buildings Steering Committee:  Cannon Design, Erie County, TAP Inc., Ciminelli Real Estate, the Center for Economic Growth, Urban Vantage, Rosenblum Companies, E&J Construction Training, and independent developer Frits Abell. 


Uptake Alliance, a leading ClimateTech platform dedicated to accelerating sustainable building innovations, hosted its Advanced Buildings Convening from January 29–31, 2025, in Buffalo, NY. The event served as a dynamic platform where startups, established industry experts, and key regional stakeholders collaborated on breakthrough solutions in the commercial and residential buildings space.

The convening highlighted eight innovative start up solutions. Interactive working sessions were designed to facilitate strategic dialogues that transformed visionary ideas into actionable plans. The convening is the first in a series with industry experts and steering committee members that represent corporate stakeholders across Western New York and the Capital Region.

“We were thrilled to unite such a diverse group of innovators and steering committee members at the Advanced Buildings Convening,” said Bobbie Armstrong, Director of Ecosystems at Uptake Alliance. “The event served as a catalyst for forging strategic partnerships that will drive sustainable growth and redefine the future of building technologies here in New York State.”


TAP Celebrated 55 years on September 20, 2024

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Thank you to our Super Sponsors!!!

As we celebrate 55 Years  we are compelled to preserve TAP’s legacy and to pass the values established by our founders on to our newer staff and board members.  Who better to help us do that than all of you!?

On Friday September 20th we will gather in front of 210 River Street for a homecoming reunion of sorts as we honor all the staff and board members who have served TAP over our 55 years.  These Totally Awesome Professionals carried TAP through thick and thin times; through funding droughts, pandemics, demolitions, deaths and births.  Yet we persist! We persist in this work of rebuilding, restoring and revitalizing historic structures and disadvantaged communities.

Your support fuels our persistence. This year we come together to honor all the sturdy individuals, roughly 77 of you, who have worked with and for TAP over 55 years and to celebrate your successes.  At the same time we welcome the new energy that inspires and renews TAP mission.  And, we will introduce Marty Schmidt, President of RPI, and Mathew Shaftel, incoming President of Russel Sage College, to the TAP community as our guests of honor. Help us welcome them in TAP style! 


TAP and NYS Writers Institute Announce Winner of the Pride Poetry Contest: Ennis Rook Bashe!

July 9, 2024

Troy, NY -- The Troy Architectural Program (Tap, Inc.) and the New York State Writers Institute are proud to announce the winner of the Pride Poetry Contest: Ennis Rook Bashe. Bashe’s poem will be mounted on the south wall of TAP, Inc.’s building at 210 River Street, Troy, NY in celebration of Collar City Pride in July. A reading of the poem will be held at 4:00 PM on Sunday, July 14th at Troy’s Riverfront Park.

Ennis Rook Bashe is a two-time Elgin Award Nominee, Rhysling Award finalist, Lesfic Bard Award-winning poet and romance novelist whose work has appeared in Strange Horizons, Cricket, and Liminality Magazine. Their recent chapbook, “Beautiful Malady” (from Interstellar Flight Press) includes work nominated for the Pushcart Prize

Additionally, K. Dymek has won second place and Elizabeth Clapp is the third-place winner of the Pride Poetry Contest. These writers will also present their work at the reading on July 14th.


K. Dymek “…is a gender-fluid creature living in Massachusetts.” K! has had their work read on Poetry a la Carte, and published in Slamchop, Meat for Tea, and two iterations of "Could You Please Pass the Poem," an experimental anthology compiled by Huimin Wan. They have also performed at the 2016 Greenfield Poetry Festival, the 2017 Salem Arts Festival, Easthampton’s 2018 ZineFest and at "Outside the Box," an event sponsored by the Northampton Community Arts Trust.A recent transplant to the Capital region,


Elizabeth Clapp has always been creatively writing in one form or another. After graduating last year with a degree in architecture and having a spell of writing nonfiction, she is getting back into her roots of fiction and poetry.

The 2024 Queer Poetry Prize was founded by TAP, Inc., and was co-sponsored by the New York State Writers Institute and TAP, Inc. The poetry prize was developed to recognize the unique accomplishments of writers in the transgender, queer, and non-binary communities.


The New York State Writers Institute's mission is to explore and teach the writing craft; to celebrate diverse voices in all genres; to honor the power of literature as a force for individual growth and social good; and to foster a vibrant community of readers and writers who engage in meaningful dialogue. We invite you to join the conversation. Learn more at


This contest was developed and organized by Nancy Klepsch, local poet, and Shawn McCann, local musician and employee of TAP, Inc. The reading is free and open to the public. TAP is a private non-profit community design and place-making center, providing design and planning services to property owners of all income levels, neighborhood groups, and other non-profit organizations wishing to improve their homes, buildings and neighborhoods.


“One part of TAP's mission is to support and promote efforts to sustain a diverse community, so the Pride Poetry Contest is one natural way for us to voice that this obviously includes support for all walks of life, genders and sexual orientations as well. This happens to be my personal inclination, but I also became involved with the project to help support the arts (especially to help get some prize money in artist's hands thanks to the NYS Writer's institute!), to work with Nancy, to have fun installing the poem on TAP's wall, and to hear/see some awesome new poetry. Thank you to everyone that participated!” – Shawn McCann


For more of Bashe’s poetry, feel free to visit

TAP turns 55 this year!
Please save the date 9/20/24 on your calendars and join us.
Contact us for Sponsorship options 
More info to come.


2023 Fundraiser - Website  (1080 × 1080

Party starts at 5:30PM on River Street between 1st and State Street near the TAP office at 210 River Street, Troy, NY 12180

Check-in tables at either end of blocked off section of River Street between 1st and State.


Restrooms available at TAP, Birch Baked & Seasons Cafe.


(wheelchair accessible and handicap parking available upon request)


CONTACT US at or at 518-274-3050 x 21 for Sponsorship & Donation Info.
Or feel free to make a donation on our website here:


Friday 9/22/2023 is TAP's House Party Fundraiser Event

Please join us to honor Principal Amanda Klopott and team at
Troy's Elementary School 2


School 2 Anchors the Hillside North neighborhood, holding the wellbeing of the students and their families above all.

Party starts at 5:30PM in front of the TAP office

more details soon



Over our 53 years, TAP has served hundreds of institutions who help people persevere against hardship to find safe and healthy environments for their families. This year we honor our client and friend, Habitat for Humanity Capital District, an organization delivering hope to families with a dream of homeownership. For 25 years we have worked together to make healthy homes and communities available to people from all walks of life.


Come see what we are planning for 2023!

Friday September 16th 2022 5:30pm - 9:30pm 

This event is wheelchair accessible.

Please contact us if you require accessible parking close to the venue.

For more information please feel free to contact us:

518-274-3050 ext. 21


Stay tuned for more fundraiser and event information soon.


SAVE THE DATE!  9/16/2022

        As always, feel free to contact us at any time.

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